What does it mean to be human?
The Smithsonian Institution's Human Origins department chose change as a defining human characteristic:
Humans Change the World.
We hear all the time about the negative changes wrought by humans on the world.
But humans can change the world in positive ways as well.
Australian Alistair Farland exploring the Muir Woods, CA. (Read more about Alistair HERE.)
We believe exploration is one of the most important positive catalysts for change, as well as a defining human characteristic: to explore one’s identity, community, or world is intrinsic to being human.
When we explore, we come face-to-face with strangers, with challenges, with fears.
When we explore, strangers become friends, challenges find solutions, fears are confronted, and we learn who we really are.
We see how others live, what challenges they face, how resources are distributed, and . . .
Just how big and fragile our planet really is.
The Change Your World Fund
The Change Your World Fund was established to honor the memory of Alistair Farland (1990 – 2014).
Al, as the 24-year-old Australian was known to his friends and family, believed in the power of exploration to change things.
He wanted to inspire his generation to explore their world and impact their society. He believed that "pushing yourself out of your comfort zone" is one of the keys to life.
In just a short while—a few months into his overland motorcycle journey exploring the Americas—he made dozens of friends and inspired many to think beyond themselves. Although he died in an accident in fall 2014 on his journey, his passion and inspiration did not. (Read more about Alistair HERE.)
In collaboration with the Farland family and Overland Expo, we have launched the Change Your World Fund to support people like Alistair whose overland journeys and projects go beyond the “me” and seek out strangers and challenges.
PLEASE NOTE: In 2023, the Change Your World Fund transferred its assets to the Armchair Adventure Festival's Get Out Do Stuff Grant charity; the Festival was founded and is run by Matt Bishop and Reece Gilkes, who were the 2019 Change Your World Fund grantees for their round-the-world journey on a scooter-sidecar rig. You can find out more and apply at https://www.armchairadventurefestival.com/getoutdostuff
UPDATE 08-2020: Publication of the book Our Ridiculous World (Trip) by Class of 2019 Matt Bishop and Reece Gilkes.
UPDATE: 10-2019: Candida Louis, Class of 2017, has completed her journey; and
Kirk Williams, Class of 2018, is leaving in late October.
UPDATE 06-2018: We are seeking members of the Class of 2018. See below.
UPDATE 07-2017: Please read about our first Class of 2017 HERE.
and, UPDATE 10-16: Our first grantee here.
View the 2015 launch of the Change Your World Fund at Overland Expo East. Over $10,000 was raised.
Are you ready to
Explore Your World . . . and Change Your World?
The Fund is now administered by the Armchair Adventure Festival, which was founded by 2019 grantees The Sidecar Guys. You can find out more and apply at https://www.armchairadventurefestival.com/getoutdostuff
Current Change Your World Fund Donors and Supporters
Overland Expo 2019 WEST
Change Your World Fund Donors and Supporters Archives
Overland Expo 2017 EAST
Overland Expo 2017 WEST
Overland Expo 2016 EAST
Overland Expo 2016 WEST
Overland Expo 2015 EAST
Mallory Paige and Baylor the dog riding off into the sunset. Operation Moto Dog is the recipient of the first Change Your World Fund grant.
All other images, Alistair Farland. (Read more about Alistair HERE.)